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We need to talk.

So I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other and honestly I feel in someway it’s partially my fault. And for that, I’m sorry.

It’s just…for months now I’ve been trying to find the right words to say this, but it hasn’t been that easy. Still there’s no point in dragging this on so I’ll just come out and say it.

Being “positive” is a fucking chore.

I mean, really. Who can keep up anymore?

It’s “think positive” this and “be positive” that. And oh, “dare you dream of having such a positive life, you must run. Run from the negativity and skip out in the sun. Yes skip, spring, and jump because if you don’t, realĀ life has won.”

Frankly, I have no interest in positivity. I have no stomach for infinite anecdotes sweetened with the taste of misery.

And if you happen to be one of those people who think a glossed-up, over-generalized expression is the answer to every question, then this here post isn’t for you.

This post is for the people who loathe positive quotes recited from friends and foes who think they understand.

And truth be told, they’re just following behind what they’ve been taught.

” Hey friend, think positive, you’ll get over it.”

This post is for the people who know the meaning of a good and a bad day is far more complex than “live, laugh, and love.”— never mind the world making it seem so easy, and not that it bothers you so much as I’m sure you know all about the highlight reels on social media.


I admit, recently I was on that same wave for quite some time. As I constantly wrote about being positive, especially when life was down. Subsiding humanistic feelings just to “look on the bright side.”

But then one day I realized, how fragile we truly are. And for whatever reason…God knows. Maybe you too, but I don’t.

Anyways, I rather not get stuck here, I’ve made my decision: being positive isn’t working out for me anymore and I think it’s better this way.

Though I can’t say for sure what the future will hold, but I feel like it’s best I honor my feelings, whether hot or cold.

Now being positive may work for some but not for me, which I believe I’ve already explained to you why.

For one, I’m a human being, fragile with an honest heart. And for two, it took me nearly 4 hours to finally find Bacon-Scented Mustache in Walmart (don’t ask.)

Back to the subject at hand, I’m DONE!




Until next time.


“If I could patent ‘being real’, I think I could own that.”—Tupac Shakur

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