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I never thought for a second we had it bad growing up, though my brother seems to think otherwise. Except in someways, it’s somewhat true.

He had always been the type to pay attention to those kinda things.

And just then before I called, I remembered this one time at the grocery store when mom couldn’t afford to buy milk. Instead, the line grew long and she tried her best to ignore the people behind her.

Though at that time, I was only 6…

And all I ever wanted was chocolate.


Me: For a long time I thought we were rich.

Mom: *laughs* But of course you did. You were too young and too precious to remember anything as painful as that.

Me: So what about Mr. Sims?

Mom: Sims?

Me: You know, Mr. Sims. The old man that used to live down the street from us?

Mom: Sims?

Me: Remember? The old man with the red Monte Carlo with the front grill…had the two doors that he fixed up.

Mom: you know I don’t know nothing ’bout no damn cars.

Me: Sims! The old man with the classic Thunderbird.

Mom: Oh yeah, Mr. Sims! Yeah, what about him?

Me: Wasn’t he rich?

Mom: Who Mr. Sims? *laughs* Heavens no, that old man aint been no rich than the man on the moon child…

Me: *laughs* What—what does that even mean?

Mom: Now Bella, why would you go and ask me that? Because of his cars?…

Me: Yeah, he had a lot of ’em…

Mom: Mhm, and he had people looking for him too.

Me: *laughs* How you know that?

Mom: Cause people talk…

Me: *laughs* Mhm, I’m sure they do.

Mom: *laughs* they do…I’m telling you.

Me: *laughs* So what else you got planned for the day?

Mom: Well Robbie said he coming by here pretty soon with the boys. So maybe go out to eat…grab a bite at Lauries.

Me: So you not cooking today?

Mom: On Mother’s Day?

Me: Shoot, that reminds me. My flight comes in at 9 in the morning.

Mom: And Bell please make sure you’re dressed, I’m having company.

Me: Mom, I’m serious. I’m not dating.



Until next time.


“Make time to get time.”— Mom



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