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So I’m sleeping on the couch these days, except my mom thinks it’s depression.

I mean it makes sense…I did quit my job so maybe she’s on to something. I don’t know, maybe a part of me is dying inside. And of course, I’m crying right now. Except in some weird way I feel like I’m being used like a metaphor to life, for life’s own purpose to understand itself.

Though Robbie thinks it’s hormones.


I told him how much he meant to me and realized…men are just as fragile.

Great. So now I’m sensitive and emotional as fuck, a complete mess. And in the meantime, I’m bingeing through shows on Netflix like how am I gonna pay rent next month?

And of course, Mickey called me this morning, “how are things going with the new book?”

The new book? I mean, it’s that right there.

Dreaming. Dreaming is more than half of my problem.

I mean, “dreams can’t be afforded where I come from,” and that’s quoted from the man outside of Benny’s deli shop with 2 paper cigarettes.

And yet, that’s all I ever seem to do.

“Babygirl, you got a dollar I can borrow?”




Until next time.


“Look up *Bella*, say cheese.” — Circa 97

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